Any type of motor vehicle collision has the potential to cause you significant complications as you try to put the pieces back together and move forward after this type of event. However, the aftermath of a multi-car accident can be particularly complex as you must...
Results-Oriented Legal Services
Personal Injury
Who are the most common distracted drivers?
When you are driving on New Jersey roads, you could be sharing space with a distracted driver at any given time. Despite the well-known dangers of distracted driving, drivers still engage in behaviors that are likely to take their attention from the task at hand....
Who or what is to blame for your car accident?
The moment a car accident occurs can change your life. It is impossible to predict exactly how it could affect you, but you could find yourself dealing with property damage, medical bills, painful injuries and other adverse effects. It is not always easy to understand...
Understanding the problem of aggressive driving
A driver’s primary responsibility when operating a vehicle is driving as safely as possible and adhering to the rules of the road. Unfortunately, some drivers put their own objectives above the needs of others, and this often takes place in the form of aggressive...
The steps you take after a car accident matter
A car accident is an unexpected and likely traumatic event that has the potential to change your life in various ways. Injuries could leave you incapacitated, and you could find yourself with financial losses as a result of damage to your personal property and...
Who or what is to blame for your car accident?
If you suffered injuries in a car accident, you know how quickly this event can change your life. In the moment of a collision, you could go from full health to severe injuries that may leave you unable to function as before. A car accident has the potential to be...
New driving habits point to troubling car accident trends
Road safety is only one of the many things that have seen significant changes since 2019. Because of adjustments in work schedules, virtual employment, online school and safety concerns, 2020 and the first part of 2021 saw a decrease in the number of drivers on New...
Is automation in vehicles making the roads more dangerous?
Often, distracted drivers are unaware they are distracted. Many people believe they can safely multitask, or they may become too comfortable with certain features in their vehicles that could be dangerous to use while driving. More vehicles now come with enhanced...
How does New Jersey compare to other states in driver safety?
No one gets behind the wheel of a vehicle and expects to be in an accident that day. In fact, you could be a safe and cautious driver, but you are still vulnerable to the actions of others on the road. If another New Jersey driver makes negligent or reckless choices...
Spinal misalignment could result from a car crash
Delayed feelings of pain or discomfort after an accident are not uncommon. Because many New Jersey residents think it is perfectly normal to feel sore after a car crash, they may not think that they have suffered any serious injury. However, even if a person begins...