Different parcels of land touch at their boundary lines. When a New Jersey resident reviews the title to a parcel they may find the legal description of how the parcel is situated and how far it extends. It is often possible for individuals to go back to their land use and ownership documents to find out exactly where their properties start and their neighbors’ properties end.
However, when land descriptions are incomplete or purportedly inaccurate, individuals may need to look into other options to resolve their boundary disputes. They may choose to have a new survey of the land in question done to re-establish the right division lines between the properties. They may also choose to come to an agreement concerning where the boundary lines should lie; when this option is exercised the property owners may wish to execute quitclaim deeds to formalize the agreement.
When the parties want a judge to step in to resolve their differences, they may have to file a claim for quiet title. This type of action brings a boundary dispute to court so that it may be reviewed, assessed, and sorted out by a judge.
A boundary dispute can become a major property issue for a landowner whose parcel is not clearly defined. When matters of boundary lines and other land use issues come up, individuals can choose to work with real estate and land use attorneys. These professionals can give their clients guidance that is tailored to their individual cases and that addresses their clients’ unique legal needs. While this post may be read as informational it should not be used as legal advice.